Praise The Lord,

Dear Brother Pradeep Daniel, Greetings to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like to share the testimony which our wonderful God did in my life. In the beginning of this year we planned to buy a house in Canberra, Australia. It was not an easy task. Brother Pradeep prayed for us for the same. God answered our prayers, all the hurdles were cleared, and our God blessed us with our own house in the month of April.

The second part of my testimony is about my job. I was looking for a good job since April this year. My aim was to get into a particular organisation. But doors seemed to be closed for that particular place and as for the other places too chances were very narrow. I was in a very depressed situation. My family and I called Brother Pradeep Daniel and asked for prayer support. Brother Pradeep prayed for my job every day & I too kept hold on God’s verse Jeremiah 33:3. Meanwhile I was waiting for an offer coming from another source but I put my trust on God and waited for the job I preferred to go. Finally, God did a miracle in my life. I was offered a job in the place I wanted to work. People around me were surprised to know this because I was recruited directly by the company. I got the joining orders in the first week of September. I thank God that He did such miracles in my life. And the same time, I thank Brother Pradeep for praying without ceasing, kept on calling and comforting with God’s word to me during that situation. Now I praise God more and more for the delay in getting the job I preferred because if I would have got the job I was looking for in April, I would have gone to a 3rd rated country. BUT GOD DELAYED ME FROM GETTING THE JOB SO THAT I CAN HAPPILY CONTINUE IN AUSTRALIA, WHICH IS NOW MY PERMANENT PLACE.

Also accidentally I did a mistake during my drive few weeks back. But God protected me from that incident and I am safe. I thank God for this wonderful protection too.

God heard His minister's prayers and did miracles in our lives.

All glory to Our God Jesus.

In Christ Love,
Bro. Ravi M

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