Rose Garden

Rose Garden

Jesus said, “Whoever receives one little child like this in My Name receives Me”. (Math 18:5)

Who will not like …a

Fresh …. Rose !
Beautiful ….Rose !
Pleasing … Rose !
Scintillating …. Rose !
Un withered …. Rose !
Precious … Rose !
Blooming …. Rose !


Rose comes out in the midst of thorns!

Every forsaken child, even though fresh, beautiful, pleasing, scintillating, un withered, precious& blooming, they come out in the midst of troubles, hopelessness and uncertainty about the future. ROSE GARDEN is a concept and a place for such children who are of AIDS affected parents, of fatherless, of motherless, of helpless situations, and of economically poor background.

Lord Jesus appeared to Bro. Pradeep Daniel in December 2008 and spoke about ROSE GARDEN, a unique concept and a place of refuge to such children. In a vision, God showed him many roses coming out from the midst of the thorns and the faces of hopeless children in every rose , smiling at him. He saw the children calling Bro.Pradeep Daniel as ‘daddy’ and Sis.Joy Pradeep as ‘mummy’. Even , brother heard some children’s voice crying out “ Have you forgotten us?”. Then, Bro.Pradeep Daniel also wept in the prayers along with the children and made a vow to the Lord to take initiatives to bring into pass such a good plan of God.

ROSE GARDEN is not only the home for the hopeless children, it will be an important tourist place as well where moral & Biblical values will be taught to all the people who visit, through special skits, drama and social & spiritual films in the mini theatres. It will be an amusement park and will be a garden full of all varieties of roses. The idea is that when ever people visit to see these roses, they will get the chance to see the real roses ( the forsaken children). You too WHEN EVER THINK ABOUT ROSE, THINK ABOUT THESE LITTLE FORSAKEN CHILDREN.

Another unique feature in ROSE GARDEN is about an account called “JESUS ACCOUNT”. Why this name? Because Jesus watches every penny we spend for this cause. Benefactor and the beneficiary both receive the rewards from Lord Jesus Christ. It is also unique in nature. It will be a true & transparent account system. Any body who donates with proper identity card for ROSE GARDEN can see for themselves the full account details of ROSE GARDEN. Every penny donated to ROSE GARDEN will be used for this concept alone and every single penny for the bright future of these children including, world class schools, educational institutions, universities, training centres and so on and so forth. Sis. Joy Pradeep will be in charge of ROSE GARDEN as per the Lord’s command.

To start with, the Lord has commanded to adopt some children in this year 2009. If you are willing to be a ROSE GARDEN partner , do not hesitate to contact us . BECOME A PARTNER AND MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE MEANINGFUL. May God bless you.


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